Ensuring Safe


Efficient Water Systems

in Your Facilities

SMART Legionella Water Safety Plan

Our Legionella Water Safety Plan employs a digital platform to unify crucial building water system's data for Legionella control and Risk Minimisation

Hydrosense On-Site Legionella Rapid Test Kit

The world's fastest and first on-site Ultra-Rapid Legionella test to detect all Legionella pneumophila

Serogroup 1 - 15 in 25 minutes

Water Efficiency Program

Water Efficiency Program

We are committed to sustainable practices that benefit your business and the environment. Our Water Efficiency Program reduces water consumption and minimizes environmental impact.

About Us

Welcome to Smart H2O Pte. Ltd., your trusted partner in safeguarding water quality, hygiene and efficiency for facilities of all sizes. At Smart H2O, we understand the critical importance of clean and efficient water management in ensuring the well-being of your operations, customers, and occupants.

With a focus on innovation and expertise, Smart H2O specializes in delivering tailored water solutions to commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities across various industries. Whether you operate a bustling hospitality venue, a cutting-edge healthcare facility, or a dynamic data centre facility, we are here to support you in keeping your water systems safe, reliable, and cost-effective.

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